Each month we spotlight new or exciting Australian businesses which have either subscribed to Greenroom or are Alsco customers. We want to know what makes your business tick and how this can help other Alsco customers to create greener, safer and healthier businesses.
Today the spotlight is on Lost Boys.
Lost Boys Fortitude Valley recently partnered with Alsco. They use tea towels and polishing cloths to maintain a clean and safe organic restaurant for everyone.
Here’s how Lost Boys came to life and their lovely experience with their customers every single day.
Lost Boys Fortitude Valley
Type of Business: Organic, Vegetarian & Carbon Neutral. Made for the conscious being.
We value and focus on Organic; Natural & Local produce, putting positive vibes back into the consumers, the community and the environment. Young at heart, we nurture the creative and embracing the unique.
LostBoys is incessantly evolving and moving around you the consumer and the environment. We will endeavor to always use organic, 100% natural and locally produced ingredients wherever possible. We consider simplicity the ultimate form of sophistication and embrace this throughout the brand, keeping it minimal and selective, however, crafting to the highest of standards.
1. How did Lost Boys come to life? You have a very interesting name ‘Lost Boys’, how did you come up with this name?
I realised Life’s too short to be waking up every morning dreading the day ahead. I found myself amongst the daily city commute, business attire, policies, procedures, corporate clients and sales targets. I was disinterested in what I was doing and in no way passionate about what I was selling. My reality sucked.
I realized that the beautiful unrealistic place filled with dreams and aspirations I used to visit had become harder to find. I found myself dreading Mondays and looking forward to Fridays, only to forget my Saturdays and sleep away my Sundays. I wasn’t living, I was surviving. Pay to pay. I believe sometimes you get caught up in these ruts just trying to get by and yes, simply survive. Sometimes you think you have no choice, I know I had rent and bills to pay.
I wrote down all the things I am passionate about, what makes me tick, what do I love and what are my ultimate goals in life.
How could I incorporate all these things into a job or how can I create a job to get me to where I need to be…
I came up with Lost Boys.
I wanted good food and drinks for you and your belly, but at the same time doesn’t hurt the environment, a place to hang with my friends. A place that always tries its best to have a positive impact on people by encouraging positive change, thinking and action. I wanted a platform to raise awareness of things that I cared so much about, like mental health, the local music and creative arts scene, homelessness and the environment. I want to encourage people to do what they believe in, find their happiness and act upon whatever their dreams or goals might be. Because I promise you it just takes a couple steps forward and a little jump and you will be closer than you ever imagined.
Dream big and don’t be afraid to tell people, send them out into the universe, because the more you say it aloud that little bit closer your dream is to becoming your reality and the more likely it is to come back to you.
2. What is the best workday ever for you?
A busy day! We love customers, we have heaps of regulars who have become good friends in the real world. I love that.
3. What’s the best compliment you got for Lost Boys?
When people tell me they feel like they are in Neverland. I like that it can maybe take them from reality for a few seconds.
4. What do you love most about owning your own business?
I love my staff and how everyone pulls together. Sometimes I look around and am amazed at what they have done. I wouldn’t be able to do this without them.
5. What are your best tips for getting new sales in the door?
Care about your customer. Every single one of them. They are so incredibly important to me.
6. What are the hardest challenges you face when owning your own business?
Financial pressure can be tough during start up. you have to learn to compartmentalise from it and not let it effect your mental well being.
7. How long have you been using Alsco services? What Alsco products/services have you been using in Lost Boys?
We are excited that we are just beginning out Alsco partnership, we will be using tea towels and polishing cloths.
8. What 3 suggestions would you give to someone who wants to start their own business?
- Make sure you have three to four times the amount of money and time you think it will take to start up.
- Be in a good mental space before you begin
- Have a good support network of people behind you
9. If you are to meet the Alsco’s top manager, how would you greet him? What would you say?
Smack him on the butt. 🙂
Are you like Lost Boys Fortitude Valley, starting out a business of your own and need exceptional quality linen but at a low manageable cost? Enquire at Alsco now or call 1300 659 892 to know more about our hassle-free linen rental services.
Lost Boys Fortitude Valley started last year, 2014. Indulge yourself in rich organic food spiced with love and care. Visit them at Fortitude Valley or their website www.lostboysfortitudevalley.com for more details.