Working 8-hour shifts (or longer) and meeting on and off work duties often renders us with almost zero time to go healthy with food. Even if we’re keen on eating well.

Unhealthy eating is being labelled as a new form of occupational hazard. So employers should be on a lookout for a good employee wellness-boosting program.

Omnipresent unhealthy food choices are making us yield to temptations. And they’re always an easier choice, as a rule. Especially if you have a history of bad eating habits.

Anyone who has tried to cut down on naughty foods knows it’s dead hard to go cold turkey when changing eating patterns.

Yet if you really want to improve your health and wellness, there are some quick and available ways to do it. Healthy food is getting trendier than ever before, so you can find some awesome healthy alternatives even in supermarkets.

Problem is, you need to get your head around all that wellness information overload.

That’s why our list of nutrition tips for working employees is perfect for you! We’ll uncover how to have a complete diet makeover, from initial shopping steps to food preparation. Get yourself comfortably seated, and ready for some lifestyle-changing info.

1. Start Smart In Your Office Pantry With a Portion Size Poster

Guided by misconceptions, many people’s dietary changes end up with nothing but disgraceful attempts. Fast result slimming diets are neither effective nor healthy.

What you need is a long-term orientation towards healthier eating. But the first step is to control your portion size. You can still relish a generous portion of your favourite naughty food delight once in a while. But making portion control your priority wellness goal will turn it into a powerful habit.

Put up this Portion Size Guide on your office pantry or office fridge and tweak your portions a little. Your future self will thank you for it.

2. Smart Water Bottles at your Work Station? Absolutely!

Not sure where to start on your journey to better health? Let it be water. Staying hydrated will help kick-start your grey cells and water down excessive food cravings. That’s just to get you started with.

A new hot way to keep track of your recommended eight 8-ounce glasses a day is a smart water bottle. A blink indicator will remind you when it’s time to down some water.

And there’s a cool app you can sync with your bottle via Bluetooth to control your daily, weekly and monthly intake. Awesome, right?

3. Have your own Healthy Eating Routine and Stick to It.

Nowadays, you can easily get your hands on a bunch of mouth-watering healthy recipes. But what is your compass in handling the entire process from shopping and preparation to consumption?

Always stick to the rule of having at least four meals a day! But you can also ask yourself these 6 questions to help you stay oriented.

And if you really want to ditch unhealthy eating patterns at work, this 6-word guide might become your eating bible. It comes from the Nutrition Force and offers some ingenious organisational tips.

Download and print out this fantastic guide. Examine it thoroughly. It’ll help you every step of the way.

4. Delve Into the Salad World During your Breaks

Are you one of those people who finds salads unworthy of a separate meal dignity? Just don’t find it as spectacular as traditional main dishes? Well, don’t be so quick to judge. Just take some time to delve into the salad world, and you’ll find not only healthy but also some scrumptious and filling recipes.

Put them to the test and then share them with your colleagues at work.

5. Plan your Office Lunch During the Weekend

Having a healthy eating routine at work requires some preparation. Otherwise, you’ll be swept away by emotional currents. And you could be easily tempted to reach for unhealthy comfort foods.

That’s why Caroline Trickey advises busy people to prepare some meals during the weekend and freeze them. Then unfreeze them during the work week when you don’t feel like cooking.

Her motto is “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.

So, she suggests making a weekly meal plan and displaying it in your kitchen. She even offers meal plans for different seasons and diet regimens. All worked out for you with recipes on hand!

6. Choose Healthier Alternatives

Maybe the #1 drudgery of breaking lousy eating habits is not knowing what to swap them for. So, learning the simple food swaps can be life-changing.

Ryan and Lee-Anne from Taste Organic give us a trick to beat binge-eating potato and corn chips. Going for exotic tastes of kale or lentil chips or black rice crackers might help out.

Julie Meek couldn’t stress out more it’s crucial to avoid the most harmful foods like deep-fried and battered food. So say goodbye to crumbed sausages, schnitzels, chips and fried chicken or fish. You better part with pastry products like pies, sausage rolls and cookies too! For your own good.

But look on the bright side! These healthy recipes to use as swaps might surprise you:

  • Sandwiches or rolls with lean cold meat, cheese or egg, and salad
  • Pasta, rice or noodle dishes with a tomato-based sauce or stir-fry meat and vegetables
  • Salad dishes with meat, chicken or fish that haven’t been drowned in dressing
  • Chicken or meat skewers (try for a side of vegetables or salad if available)
  • Sushi (without the battered fillings)

Support from Management is the Key

These nutrition tips can help you make some confident steps towards a better and healthier lifestyle. Knowledge is power, and now you have it! Believe it or not, going for a balanced diet will help you feel much better and much more energised.

Employers should be aware that they can largely influence their employees’ workplace eating behaviour. And not only that! Many companies nowadays are launching wellness initiatives which are proven to yield healthier and more productive workforce.

So, check out this treasure trove of 149 employee wellness ideas to give your team some serious boost.

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Photo courtesy of Flickr Images by Marco Verch