Table linen

Incorporating table linen into your establishment can set the scene, adding in a touch of luxe and premium feel. Alsco Uniforms offers a wide range of crisp, elegant table linen to provide a convenient and affordable way to transform the feel of your space. All our branches across Australia follow with the stringent Australian Laundry Practice Standard AS/NZS 4146:2000.

Using our Customer Care portal you are able to adjust quantities for busy or quiet periods of the year.

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Traditional Table Linen


A fresh table cloth is something your diners expect, so make them feel great as soon as they take their seat. Our range of fresh, clean and pressed tablecloths will really make the difference in your spaces. Our economical managed service means you have plenty of linen on hand ready to provide a freshly laid table for every diner. Available in a huge range of sizes, from single table sizing right through to super long buffet style table sizing. If your tables are round we can also help, providing 4 different size choices in round tablecloths. Our colour selection includes the classics, white and black, as well as charcoal and royal and for the festive season the popular forest green.

Traditional Overlays


An economical and fast way to reset your tables and preserve the tablecloth for multiple uses is to use our clever overlays. They add an opulent layered effect to your table at the same time as being more cost effective. Available in one standard size 90 x 90cm and two of our classic colours white and black.

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Standard Napkins


Our range of standard table napkins are everything you need in a napkin, highly function and stylish. Our choice of 100% poly fabric provides a very economic and durable option, and it’s made in a generous 50x50cm size.

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Rustic Napkins


Need a more casual feel for your restaurant or café? Then ask about our Rustic Napkin, in a choice of two on trend colours Stone and Charcoal. Made from a long lasting soft textured poly blend. Generously sized 50x50cm, hygienically cleaned  and perfectly pressed every time.

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Momie Napkins


Our 100% cotton napkin is for those who prefer a decadent choice for a table setting. Generously sized 50cm x 52cm, crisp yet absorbent and perfectly pressed every time.

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Standard Stripe Napkins


Like the traditional table napkins, these are also one of the favourites. They are classic with a fun twist of subtle lined pattern to give a bit of edge to the design.

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Introducing: Resort Napkins

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